
Serving and Caring Like Christ

Serving With Others



One of the ways we pursue and live out this discipleship trait is through volunteer opportunities listed below.



Volunteers on our Grace Buddies team are some of the first people our attendees come in contact with at weekend services. They serve our church every week or every other week. They can serve in three way: Spotters/Greeters, Hosts, or on Buddy Bar Team.


Volunteers in Grace Group lead groups to cultivate biblical-driven community. They oversee groups of 12-15 individuals, develop leaders, encourage non-members toward membership and encourage members to faithfulness, communicate regularly with their oversight and attend leader events.


Do you love hanging out with the cutest kids on the planet and showing them that Jesus is fun? Grace Kids is for kids ages birth through 5th grade. We would love for you to join our Grace Kids team!


In GYC middle school, each volunteer is considered a Grace Group Leader! Every Other Wednesday, we get the opportunity to hang out together in our Middle School bible study and spend time with middle school students right where they are at!


As a volunteer in GYC high school, you will have the opportunity to walk with students in developing and growing their relationship with Jesus. You will lead a grace group, volunteer at GYC events, and pursue relationship with students outside of church events.


Volunteers on the Production team keep things running smoothly during our weekend services and at events so that our attendees have a great experience meeting with the Lord and the church. They run the lighting and sound booth during services, put up slides for services and set up for services and events.

Volunteers on our Stories team help us testify to who God is and what He has done and is doing in Christ. These volunteers serve the body by creating and sharing stories that speak the truth about the way things are and proclaim the gospel through photography, videography, writing, editing and other areas.


Volunteers on our Facilities team serve behind the scenes. They take care of the church building and grounds and keep things looking and working great. They clean the church building, maintain the church grounds, prep for services and events, and help with landscaping, painting and taking out the trash.


Volunteers on our Worship team use their gifts and abilities to minister to the church body through the expression of worship to the Lord through music. They lead worship at weekend services and other ministries and events throughout the week and sing or play an instrument in the worship band.

"…even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28

Volunteer Signup Form

Volunteers are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts and abilities, and there are many different ways to serve. Choose which ministry you'd like to serve with below and we'll be in touch with you.