Grace and Truth is an authentic church in Chicago for everyday people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Whoever you are and wherever you've been, you're welcome to join us to connect, be inspired and grow through Jesus and a genuine sense of belonging!
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LATEST Sermons
Catch up on past Series
Clarity in the Chaos
Weighed Down: Let Go and Let God
Heaven Came Down
Grace is Greater
Fully Known. Fully Loved
Psalms in the Summer
Peaks and Valleys
Level Up
Christmas 2023
When in Romans
Chapter 2
Back to Life
A Firm Foundation
Upon This Rock
Confessions of a Church Pastor
Thanks And Giving
Church Defined
Grow In Grace
Peace on Earth
Join Us This Weekend!
2811 West Touhy Avenue, Chicago IL
Sundays at 11:45am
We believe for every person in every place at every time, there is a purpose. We believe, confess and live our lives with the purpose to bring Glory to God.